A twitter-er reported the recent CO crash from on-board:
"Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. Sorry for the radio silence, but my battery died in the middle of all this and I just made it home 2:22 AM Dec 21st from twitterrific
"You have your wits scared out of you, drag your butt out of a flaming ball of wreckage and you can't even get a vodka-tonic. Boo 11:22 PM Dec 20th
"Continental keeping us locked up at the presidents club until they can sort everything out. Won't even serve us drinks. :( 11:21 PM Dec 20th
"Can't see much, but that's the crash site. http://twitpic.com/ut2c 9:35 PM Dec 20th
"This was crash #2 for me. Maybe I should start taking the bus. 8:58 PM Dec 20th
"Ugh ... My glasses fell off in the mass exodus getting off the plane .. Can't see very well 8:57 PM Dec 20th
"Holy ******* **** I wasbjust in a plane crash! 8:25 PM Dec 20th "