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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Link to specific quotes in web pages

This site lets you link directly to part of a web page with highlighting.

Citebite - Link directly to specific quotes in web pages

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Has anyone tried one of these?

FEIN MULTIMASTER HOME RENOVATION AND REMODELING SYSTEM: "The Multimaster doesn't rotate or use a back and forth motion. It oscillates. Oscillation permits you to do extremely fine and delicate work, or be more aggressive, depending on the accessory blade and material.

MultiMaster Pages:
MultiMaster Tools MultiMaster Accessories "

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cat washing machine

Seen on CNN today, this is either the funniest or cruelest thing that
you've seen in a while. Someone is selling a cat-washing machine: (If you think your cat is
lying to you, this may be an alternative to sending it to Gitmo for